• pragueconference@nukib.gov.cz

Ernst Noorman

Ernst Noorman Ambassador Ernst Noorman has been serving as Ambassador at Large for Cyber Affairs since September 2023. Previously served as the Dutch ambassador in Burkina Faso, Suriname, Afghanistan, and Colombia over a span of 13 years. Worked at the Ministry of Finance on the euro introduction and at the Ministry of Home Affairs on financial negotiations for constitutional changes

Ivana Karásková

Ivana Karásková Researcher at the Supply Chain Resilience Center, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, and the China Team Lead at the Association for International Affairs (AMO), a Prague-based foreign policy think-tank. She founded and coordinates two international projects on China—MapInfluenCE and CHOICE—analyzing China’s influence in Europe. From April 2023 to March 2024, she served as a Special Advisor to

Christian D’Cunha

Christian d’Cunha Head of the Cyber Coordination Task Force at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications, Content and Technology, overseeing cyber crisis coordination across EU institutions and member states. He led studies on digital advertising and privacy, helped draft the Data Act proposal and EU cybersecurity strategy, and coordinated the rollout of interoperable contact tracing apps during COVID-19. He led

Alexander Martin

Alexander Martin Alexander Martin is the UK Editor for Recorded Future News, specializing in cybersecurity and intelligence. Formerly a technology reporter for Sky News. Served as an inaugural fellow at the European Cyber Conflict Research Initiative, now known as Virtual Routes. Alexander Martin is the UK Editor for Recorded Future News covering cybersecurity and intelligence. He was previously a technology

Anna Blechová

Anna Blechová PhD student at the Institute of Law and Technology, Masaryk University, researching legal aspects of cybersecurity in outer space, with a focus on the New Space sector. She is involved in an EU-funded project on lawful interception tools and justice digitalization and collaborates with NATO CCDCOE on the Locked Shields exercise. She has interned at NATO CCDCOE and

Agostino Santoni

Agostino Santoni Agostino Santoni is the Vice President of Cisco Southern Europe. He took the role in November 2020 and is responsible for Cisco business in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Israel, Greece, Cyprus, Malta and from August 2024 he also covers Austria, CEE countries and Balkans. Agostino brings a wealth of experience from 25 years in the Italian IT industry,

Tomas Jakimavicius

Tomas Jakimavicius European Government Affairs Director at Microsoft, focusing on Digital Infrastructure, Connectivity, and Cloud policies. He led the European Government & Regulatory Affairs department at a global mobile operators’ trade association and served as a diplomat at the Council of the EU. He played a key role in Lithuania’s first EU Council Presidency, chairing EU Council Working Groups negotiating

CHUA Kuan Seah

Kuan Seah Chua Chief Executive (Development) of CSA, leading national-level cybersecurity master-planning, capability development, and research, he also serves as Deputy Commissioner of Cybersecurity under the Cybersecurity Act. Former Senior Director of the Information Division and Chief Digital Officer at DSO National Laboratories, Ministry of Defence, overseeing cybersecurity, AI, and digital transformation. With 20+ years of experience in technology and

Gert Auväärt

Gert Auväärt Director of the National Cyber Security Centre of Estonia (NCSC-EE) and Deputy Director General of the Estonian National Information System Authority (RIA). He leads efforts to enhance national cyber resilience, oversee CERT operations, ensure compliance with the Estonian Cyber Security Act, and develop the Estonian Information Security Standard. He represents Estonia in CyCLONe, coordinating cross-border cyber crisis management

Alex Leadbeater

Alex Leadbeater Technical Security Director at GSMA with over 25 years of experience in Communications and Cyber Security. He specializes in bridging the gaps between technology evolution and regulatory requirements, including Security, Privacy, and Public Safety for Communications Service Providers. He has been engaged in standardization for more than years and currently chairs multiple industry Cyber Security and Regulatory standards