• pragueconference@nukib.gov.cz

Claudio Peguero

Claudio Peguero was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Has a bachelor degree on Systems Engineering from the Santo Domingo Technological Institute (INTEC), a Masters degree on e-Commerce from APEC University in Santo Domingo and a Masters degree on Forensic Computing and Cybercrime Investigation from University College Dublin (UCD) in Dublin, Ireland. Also teaches in the Cybersecurity Masters program of INTEC university in Santo Domingo. 

Has been in service in the National Police since 1988 and as a General since 2006. Was the founder of the Cybercrime Investigation Division of the National Department of Investigations (DNI) in 2003 and of the High Tech Crimes Investigation Department (DICAT) of the National Police in 2004. 

Was part of the inter-institutional multidisciplinary commission that drafted the national cybercrime legislation enacted in 2007 as Law 53-07 against high-tech crimes. Worked in the national team to ratify the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, ratified by the Dominican Republic in 2013. Is the representative of the Dominican Republic to the Cybercrime Convention Committee (T-CY) since 2013. Was an elected member of the Bureau of the Cybercrime Convention Committee for 2 consecutive terms (2014 to 2018). Worked as a member of the drafting group for the second additional protocol of the Budapest Convention on access to evidence in the cloud.  

Was a member of the inter-institutional multidisciplinary group currently that worked on a revision of Law 53-07 to update it and align it with the second additional protocol of the Budapest Convention. 

Represented the Dominican Republic in the group of experts on cybercrime of REJMA/OAS and the Intergovernmental Experts Group on Cybercrime of the UNODC. Is the representative of the National Police in the Inter-institutional Commission against High-Tech Crime (CICDAT) of the Dominican Republic. Is a member of the Technical Committee of the National Cybersecurity Council of the Dominican Republic. 

Was elected in May 2021 Vice-Chair of the UN Ad-Hoc Committee in charge of drafting a new cybercrime convention for GRULAC, in which he was also the coordinator for it’s language consistency group. 

Was appointed in October 2022 as Chair of INTERPOL’s Cyber Americas working group for the 2022 – 2024 period. 

Leads the Dominican Republic’s delegations to the UN OEWG, AHC Committee, and the OAS Working Group on Cooperation and Confidence-Building Measures in Cyberspace, being also the Chair for the latter. 

Is currently Ambassador for Cyber-matters in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.