Bart Hogeveen is Deputy Director (Policy) of ASPI’s Cyber, Technology & Security program and also ASPI’s Resident Representative in Europe. ASPI’s Cyber, Technology and Security is one the biggest programs of its kind; it involves a team of researchers and analysts with unique skillsets that address the cyber- and technology-enabled emerging security issues of our time, and the Indo-Pacific in particular.
Bart’s the originator of ASPI’s work on the implementation of international rules, norms and standards in cyberspace in the context of international security. This involves close cooperation with member states of ASEAN as well as participation in various diplomatic initiatives. Bart writes about national security and military cyber capabilities in the Indo-Pacific, practices of state-sponsored cyber activities and initiatives to promote regional cooperation, accountability and transparency. Furthermore, Bart’s long been active in programming and delivering cyber capacity building assistance, including the Pacific.
Before joining ASPI, Bart worked at the Netherlands’ Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ and served with the Netherlands’ Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence with secondments to NATO and an EU crisis management mission.