Christian is Head of the Cyber Coordination Task Force in the Directorate-General for Communications, Content and Technology in the European Commission.
He is responsible for supporting the coordination of situational awareness and response to cyber crises among relevant Commission services and EU institutions bodies and agencies, as well as cooperation with Member States. Previously he oversaw a study into the future of digital advertising and its impact on privacy, drafted the Data Act proposal, the EU cybersecurity strategy and the roll out of interoperable contact tracing apps during the COVID pandemic.
He was head of the Private Office of the European Data Protection Supervisor from 2015-2020 advising on privacy-related legal and policy developments in the EU, including online manipulation, digital monopolies, digital ethics and scientific research. He moved to Brussels in 2008, after several years of advising the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales on senior judicial appointments, discipline and complaints handling, succession planning and constitutional reform matters. He also served for several years as private secretary to the Chairman of the UK Labour Party.