• pragueconference@nukib.gov.cz

Miguel De Bruycker

Miguel De Bruycker Director General of the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium since 2015 Established Belgium’s first cyber defence unit and led major cyber incident responses. Authored Belgium’s first National Cybersecurity Strategy Former Belgian Defence IT officer, master’s in Information Technologies. After completing his studies at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels, Miguel De Bruycker served as a company commander in

Rajiv Gupta

Rajiv Gupta Head of the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security Former Associate Head, led national cybersecurity initiatives. Former software engineer, cybersecurity leader at CSE since 2007 Holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in engineering, Professional Engineer (Ontario) Rajiv Gupta is the Head of the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (the Cyber Centre), a part of the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSE).

Elementor #5451

Ganna Pogrebna Director of AICF, Honorary Professor at the University of Sydney. Expert in AI, behavioural data science, and ethical AI. Advised major global organizations, including the UK Ministry of Defence and World Bank. Tech 100 Women (2019), Women in AI Asia-Pacific Award (2024). Professor Ganna Pogrebna is the Executive Director of the AI and Cyber Futures Institute (AICF), an