• pragueconference@nukib.gov.cz

Eva Tělecká

Eva Tělecká, the Executive Director at MSD Czech Republic, is responsible for leading the IT Risk Management & Security function as the Regional Technology Center Lead and serves as the Regional Chief Information Security Officer for the EMEA region. She is also in charge of leading the operational security strategy across the company. With extensive ICT management experience spanning 20 years, Eva has previously led technical operations and support teams across the ICT landscape in the mobile telecommunication industry.


Eva actively collaborates with regional cyber authorities and multistakeholder platforms to enhance cybersecurity collaboration regionally and globally. She is a member of the Executive Council for digital resiliency under DIGITALEUROPE and serves as the European Co-lead for the Health-ISAC Executive Council. Her contributions to healthcare cybersecurity collaboration have been recognized with the Health-ISAC Securitas Award for Europe.